Monday, June 8, 2015

Out of class speech

Since I work for the City of Saint George at the treatment plant I thought,  I give my speech on confined space safety and hazards. I have a little first hand knowledge on the subject, since I a certified firefighter and have specialized training in confined space rescue. I explained to the group my main objectives on confined space safety, hazardous atmospheres, personal safety, role of the entrant and the rescuer. As I gave my speech ,I integrated  a slide show with specifics on certain permitted confined space and non- permitted confined space entry. I explained that each person has a specific duty to perform while working in a confined space. Then I went into the standards that OHSA sets for confined space entry and exit. I also went over the city policies as well which are set up to be more stringent than OSHA.

During my speech I used statics from OSHA and NIOSH , about confined space deaths. I explained that in reviewing some of the deaths that all of them could be avoided if that person or person , followed the guidelines set up by OSHA. Most of the deaths come about the, with the would be rescuer or that it will only take a second ,each confined space has specific hazards, not one confined space is alike.

After my presentation I gave each person in the group a test on confine spaces knowledge and an evaluation sheet on my speech. Out of the 12 people that were present the lowest score on the test was an 80%. The evaluation itself was vey positive My strong points according to the evaluation were the strength on the subject, content and structure. Some of my weak points that were brought out in the evaluation , were I went a little to fast, I didn't make enough eye contact and that they didn't like the test. So I just need to slow down and relax when giving training speech's.

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