Thursday, May 28, 2015

Larson anaylsis

Steve Jobs speech at Stanford commencement integrates many of Larson's cultural myths. The first one has to deal with the wisdom of the rustic(  posit, that Americans value humble beginnings and believe that difficulty teaches).  Steve's humble beginning started with being put up for adoption. Another part of the wisdom of the rustic, was when Steve and a his friend Woz started Apple in his parents garage. Apple went from a garage and over ten years to a two billion dollar company with four thousand employees, talk about the possibilities of successfulness ( idea that success comes to those who are honest and work hard) all which Steve has done. Then Steve was humbled by being fired from the company he loved and started. Larson's fifth cultural myth was also touched upon in his speech  ( value of change, posit that there is wisdom that can be gained only through challenge and suffering). Steve was challenged when he was fired and thought he was a public failure and let others down as well, but at the same time still loved what he did. Steve said that being fired was one of the best things that could of happened to him.

Steve went on to start two more very successful companies as well, NeXT and Pixar the most successful animation studio in the world ( possibility of successfulness). Steve came full circle when Apple bought out NeXT and he was right at home in the company he stated. The technology that NeXT developed help propel Apple into the future ( eternal return- the idea that Americans yearn for and reenact better times from the past and seek to create new beginning

One of the process premise that is integrated  into Steve's  speech  deals with needs. Steve showed that he had great creative outlooks when he created NeXT and Pixar, after being fired from Apple. Steve also had to show emotional security, when he talks about him having cancer and to accept death, it gets rid of the old to bring in the new ( students).  The second premise that is related to this speech was the guilt he felt in letting people down when he was fired from Apple.The third premise that is related to his speech was the attitude he had while talking about his life in front of so many.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

The speech I am going to analyze is by the great Ronald Regan. In the beginning of his speech he mentions something someone else said about that the person loves his daughters more than anything. and rather have them die now believing in God, than to die one day no longer believing in God because of communism. During the speech I think their were a few different triggers that were mentioned in this speech according to Fogg's behavioral model. The triggers I believe that were mentioned  were love, God and  communism. That communism ( Russia) was  the root of all evil. This was a specific trigger( spark) in his speech. It was a speech about the cold war and to believe that the United States was the good guys. it was also how the audience understood the motivation by Ronald Regan quoting what the father had said about his daughter's and God. There was also the fear that in the cold war with Russia there was a chance to use nuclear weapons that motivated all to look for a peaceful result or end to the cold war with Russia and communism. One core motivator was the acceptance of peace and the rejection of the Evil Empire , communism. The last part of Fogg's model had to deal with ability. Regan's, ability  to choose words or phrases allowed him to keep the audience attention on the trigger, that communism ( Russia) was an evil empire.